Why your LOA techniques doesn’t work

Hamidah Syahrir
3 min readFeb 6, 2023


You wake up early at 4.30 am, realize that your subliminal-affirmation playlist is still playing. You turn it off, and gaze at your vision board – pretending that your dull bed in your 4x5 m size apartment is a queen size of luxurious bed with a silk sheet, in a big mansion with a large pool and beautiful roses garden. You then wake up, sip your hot tea, and eat cookies from yesterday, while listing three things you’re grateful for in your life.

Inhale, exhale. Meditating is the key to a healthy mind, you need to maintain your mindfulness and always be in a good state. Thoughts by thoughts cross your mind, one of them is how you regret your credit card invoice as you spend nearly the limit of your credit last month — since you consciously set your unconscious mind that you are, full of abundance and can always pay your bills.

It’s 7.30 am and you rush to the bus stop for your 9–5 minimum wage job – don’t judge! LOA won’t happen if you’re not actually working for it, right? In the street, you see a big banner with a donation box in front of it, and you put in $1 from your pocket. Remember that the rule of the universe is that anything you give will go back to you multiply – until, hopefully, you finally achieve your financial freedom. On the bus, you re-read The Magic, one of the trilogy of the LOA best-seller book, The Secret. Just to remind you to stay on track, because you keep questioning – why the hell you’re still living your miserable life?

Sounds familiar? We’ve all – the LOA’s sucker, been there.

Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

The Law of Attraction Rule’s Breaker

The law of attraction is running in correspondence with the law of vibration. To put it in simple terms — everything in the world, in the form of the smallest particle, is in constant motion and vibrating at a specific frequency — and the law of attraction state that you attract what’s in the same energy (frequency) as yours.

The idea of maintaining your state in a high vibration frequency, as well as pretending — and ‘feeling’ your visualization as if it is already yours, are all the steps to manifest what you attract into the physical world. Which is exactly when the magic is broken.

Let’s step back and really think of why we’re so into this.

If you read my previous post about the tale of The Hungry Ghost, you’ll get the idea of why we crave so much for things. It’s never the financial freedom or the abundance we’re actually seeking, it’s the feeling of fulfilment — which we believe, will we get once we manifest what we want into reality.

But, no matter how vivid you feel each time you visualize, once you open your eyes — reality will slap and remind you that it’s all not real, which will instantly lower your vibration. The real question here is, do we actually need it to be real?

LOA is not about us visualising and pretending to feel it so that we can manifest it into reality. LOA is just, us visualising and, actually feeling it.

It’s about building our inner state and be fulfill enough with it.

It’s as simple as “enjoy the daydreaming”, without expecting it to be real. And whatever it brings into our reality afterwards, is truly just a bonus – whatever comes to our physical world is the mirror of our inner state.

